Liquid Laundry Receipe...please help

medrunk, Aug 12, 9:39am
Can someone please tell me the receipe to make liquid laundry cleaner. I have lux flakes and washing soda ready and waiting. I am unsure of quantities to use so I end up with a small quantity. Any help would be much appreciated. Cheers

medrunk, Aug 12, 9:57am
thanks heaps :)

sleyle, Aug 13, 2:46am
Here's another one:

rachbabe, May 9, 6:56am
Just google "Home made cleaning recipes" and you'll have a whole heap of choices - I like the look of The Frugal Kiwi's one - I'm going to try it at the end of the week :)

sheepey, May 10, 10:13am