Coloured popcorn recipe please

cliff609, Jun 29, 9:56pm
Hi all, I've tried a search on here and google but some recipes say corn syrup and others icing sugar and I'm confusing myself. Does anyone have an easy coloured popcorn recipe as it's take a plate on friday and the theme is green so I thought a big bowl of coloured popcorn. Thank you.

fifie, Jun 30, 1:01am
Never done this myself, had a look for you and here seems to be a tried and successful way with icing sugar, can't see why it won't work. I'd try a little first and see how it goes to me its a lot better than some of the other ways which could make the pop corn soggy. php? 3, 1205, 1206, quote

cliff609, Jun 30, 3:31am
Thank you :-)

threecheers, Sep 20, 6:00pm
The one made with jello (jelly) is nice. Substitute golden syrup or honey for the corn syrup. Yummy! !