Chicken Stock

angela120, Jun 20, 6:58am
I want to make up some chicken stock to keep in freezer, do I need to add other ingredients apart from chicken frames?

stormbaby, Jun 20, 7:03am
There are a couple of other threads on here on it, just type in chicken stock in the left hand keyword or member box under recipes and anytime in the date posted box.

I just put some on in the crockpot and used the two roast chicken frames (raw is just as good) plus a couple of carrots, some celery, an onion, parsley, salt and black pepper and topped it up with boiling water. I leave that on high all night and in the morning strain off, cool and put in fridge for a day. Then I skim any solid fat off the top, put in containers and freeze.

aktow, Aug 22, 2:40am
i made chicken stock tonight. . i went to my mad butchers and got a large bag [ count 25] of chicken frames for $5, icovered the bones with water and boiled until the meat on the frames was cooked. . i took out the bones from the water[stock] and cooled the bones down , so i could take all the meat off the bones. . i ended up with 1 and a half icecream container full of chicken, , i placed the chicken frames back in the pot of stock with carrots, onions, and any veg that is going off, and boil for 2 hours to reduce the stock down by a third. you can add bay leaf and some mixed herbs, , i then take out all the cooked veg and bones and strain the stock in to bowls, , i cool down the stock and place in frig overnight so any fat can set. in the morning i take off all the set fat from the top and place stock in containers to freeze, ,
with all the cooked chicken i use some in fried rice. . i use some in chicken soupand some in fresh rolls. .