Frankfurters, can they be pan fried?

kassie48, Jun 4, 5:42am
Boiling seems so bland

fishplants, Jun 4, 6:01am
Not bland at all if you eat them in Frankfurt :)

of course nothing to do with the stuff they sell here LOL

Fry them - or heat in water and then smother them in ketchup and curry powder.

kassie48, Jun 4, 6:05am
Never tasted, going with pan fry, salad & can smother in dressing if need be

farmers, Jun 4, 7:05am
In the USA that's how they cook them, fry them

bisloy, Jun 4, 7:54am
Yes, fried is yummy. The skin goes crispy.

mike1364, Jul 7, 11:53pm
Nice slow grilled

cgvl, Apr 1, 5:04pm
really nice wrapped in bacon and either grilled or oven baked. Used to have them like that as a kid some 45+ years ago