Lupi balsamic vinegar

wasgonna, Dec 6, 1:29am
Have had a bottle of this for some time in the cupboard but unable to find a use by date so wondered if it keeps and keeps and keeps.

wheelz, Dec 6, 1:50am
Probably because it's written in black ink on a bottle with black contents!
I've got some in my pantry. I'll check mine to see if they have one.

wheelz, Dec 6, 1:54am
Nope. mine has none either! I guess it doesn't go off. I guess a good vinegar won't!?

nauru, Dec 6, 6:57am
Balsamic vinegar keeps indefinitely. Checked both my white and dark balsamic vinegars (De Nigris brand) and neither have an expiry date on the bottle.

wasgonna, Dec 6, 8:19am
Cheers. At least we've all learnt something.

korbo, Dec 6, 6:49pm
somtimes I think the manufactures put a use by date on, so that if you havent used it all, you go buy another bottle.
I don't use a lot of oil or vinegars, so tend to go by smell and taste.

wasgonna, May 6, 10:44am
You're probably right. Why have a use-by date on Sour Cream . it's already gone off!