got a florintine recipe?

aw217, Feb 8, 12:58am
I am looking for a recipe for florintines that are not flat but will hold some hight once cooked... ... ... . ( like the ones in my local cafe). any ideas?

davidt4, Feb 8, 5:23am
Florentines ARE flat - I think your cafe must have the name wrong.

aw217, Feb 8, 6:24am
Humour me and use your imagination ... ... . a florintine with a bit of hight... ... ... ... . .

davidt4, Feb 8, 6:57am
Nobody could get their teeth through a thick florentine - they are similar to a brandy snap packed with fruit and almonds, coated on one side with dark chocolate.

245sam, Jul 30, 10:10pm
aw217, as you seem to be so fond of your local cafe's "florentines" with a bit of height I suggest that you ask them if they'd be so good as to share their recipe or alternatively some of the foodie magazines (e. g. Foodtown, Cuisine... ... ) will approach the cafe/restaurant and ask for a requested recipe on behalf of their readers, then if successful the recipe will in due course appear in print in the magazine. This is probably your best option as any genuine florentine recipe is unlikely to match up to those of your local cafe.