Pork eye filet steaks

marshjp, Jan 7, 2:37am
I had some pork eye filet steaks arrive with my Xmas order from Havoc farms, what is the best way to cook these! I have never cooked pork steaks before and I don't want these ones to go to waste,

karenz, Jan 7, 2:41am
I marinate them in Satay Sauce and gently fry on a cast iron griddle, serve with a nice crispy noodle salad, tossed greens with sesame oil and lemon juice dressing.

davidt4, Jan 7, 3:34am
Pork fillet is almost completely fatless and needs to be treated gently ot it will be dry.Here's a nice Greek way of preparing it:

Pork & Lettuce in Avogolemono Sauce

serves 4

4 pork loin steaks or 1 fillet thickly sliced
2 tab olive oil
bunch of spring onions, white parts, sliced thinly
1 cos lettuce, sliced thinly
1 tab fresh dill, chopped
225 ml chicken stock
2 eggs
juice of 1 lemon

Season pork with pepper.Heat oil in large heavy frying pan, add spring onions and soften 2 minutes.Add pork and fry 10 minutes until browned and tender.

Add lettuce, dill and stock, cover and simmer 4 - 5 min until lettuce has wilted.

Meanwhile whisk together the eggs and lemon juice.

When the lettuce has wilted remove pork and lettuce from pan and keep warm.Strain liquid into ajug.Gradually whisk 4 tab of liquid into the egg mixrure, pour into pan and simmer 2 - 3 minutes , stirring constantly, until it thickens.Do not boil.

Season with salt and pepper, pour over lettuce and pork, serve hot.