Creaming/fruiting your pavlova ahead of time.

b190, Dec 24, 2:47am
We won't be eating till about 7pm tomorrow night. Would it be ok to cream and put the fruit on at around 2pm (before the guests all arrive) and then refrigerate it! Or does it really need to be done right before serving! TIA.

sarahb5, Dec 24, 3:06am
I serve my pavlova naked - a bowl of whipped cream and a big bowl of fruit served separately.One child doesn't like cream, someone else likes to pour the cream over the top, I like passionfruit syrup on mine, others like mixed berries or kiwifruit or strawberries.Serving everything separately makes it so much easier.

eastie3, Dec 24, 3:10am
I'd whip the cream early (I'll do mine tonight) and add it up to an hour before serving.

wildflower, Dec 24, 3:11am
I think cream can go a bit runny/break down a bit if done too early.Eastie3's suggestion sounds good.

anne1955, Dec 24, 3:12am
yes sadly for best taste and effect it does.I'd have cream whipped and covered in fridge and fruit same and then do the toss it all on as it goes to table, I am sure no one will die in the few seconds waiting for this to happen.And if anyone sayd a word either hit them or tell them you have just had private lesson from a top chef and are following the rules!personally anyone said it to me if I was providing the meal etc I'd go with creaming them.reminds me of my daughters mother inlaw wants to know 6mths in advance how many are coming so she has the potates to the right numberone and a half scone if they are cream and jamed there half if is buscuits it's one plane one choc And these people are millionaires and that's how they got there. :)

harrislucinda, Dec 24, 3:17am
yesi wouldgofor2pmtooearlywillmakeitallsoggy
Evenbeating thecreamthenightbeforemakesthecream goflat
Shopcreamnot thesameasfreshlyseperated

b190, Dec 24, 3:25am
Awesome, thank you guys:)

duckmoon, Dec 24, 4:26am
I whip cream, put in fridge,
Pav in cupboard
Fruit prepared.

Construction - takes three minutes or less