Potentially silly question - lolly cake

go_redandblack, Nov 22, 8:11pm
Do you melt the butter to a liquid before adding condensed milk! Recipes aren't giving enough info.

245sam, Nov 22, 8:15pm
go_redandblack, no question is a silly question if one isn't sure of something.

To answer your question - yes the butter does need to be completely melted but I GENTLY heat the butter and sweetened condensed milk together, just until the butter is melted.

Hope that helps.:-))

245sam, Nov 22, 8:15pm
go_redandblack, no question is a silly question if one isn't sure of something.

To answer your question - yes the butter does need to be completely melted but I GENTLY heat the butter and sweetened condensed milk together, just until the butter is completely melted - don't allow the mixture to boil or you'd be evaporating precious moisture.

Hope that helps.:-))

go_redandblack, Nov 22, 8:20pm
Cool thank you - I am am going to do - was planning to use a stainless steel bowl on a pot of boiling water. Icould microwave, but like the bowl on pot idea.Will add the C/Milk with butter.as you suggest

nik12, Nov 22, 8:56pm
I just do it in a pot, wouldn't worry about the bowl, just keep the heat lowish.

245sam, Nov 22, 8:59pm
So do I, although IMO go_redandblack's way is not a bad idea if that suits her better and then she mix it all together in the bowl which is what I do in the saucepan.:-))

245sam, Nov 22, 8:59pm
So do I, although IMO go_redandblack's way is not a bad idea if that suits her better and then she can mix it all together in the bowl which is what I do in the saucepan.:-))

kinna54, Nov 23, 12:47am
I just do mine in a pyrex jug in the microwave, on lowest or defrost setting.done in a flash, and can easy pour into the dry ingredients, as sometimes you don't always need the full liquid content. (depends upon the brand of biccies etc).