Can you freeze raw fish

lisanorthshore, Oct 30, 5:28am
made last night with fresh cream - dont think we are going to be able to eat it all tonight!

datoofairy, Oct 30, 5:30am
I would worry the cream would separate and not be be very nice when defrosted.

lisanorthshore, Oct 30, 5:32am
yes i thought that too wonder if i should just leave it until tomorrow and try and eat i all before the cream sours.

wheelz, Oct 30, 8:26am
Or invite me around ! I'll help you

uli, Oct 30, 8:26am
Put into fridge and eat tomorrow.

buzzy110, Oct 31, 12:18am
For future reference, if is much nicer if made with coconut milk or cream instead of cream. Try and buy coconut milk or cream that has not had thickeners or preservatives added. This seems to be a new addition to a really nice food and makes it awful and carrageen has been linked to ill health effects, including cancer. A-Royd and Cocomas do an acceptable UHT, no additive coconut milk/cream.