
claudds, Jul 23, 11:33pm
lemonandabitofwater. andsprinkledbakingsodaeverywhere.

geldof, Jul 24, 12:15am
The only other thing I can think of is heat a cup of water with some vanilla in it.

tinkagirl, Jul 24, 8:32am
throw it out and buy a new one coz that damn smell will never come out sorry

245sam, Jul 24, 8:45am
claudds, your dilemma is one that fortunately I haven't ever experienced but I have a couple of suggestions for you - they're not radically different to what you've already tried or has already been suggested that you try but IMO these two options may be (hopefully) more effective.

1. Wipe the entire microwave interior out with neat/undiluted vanilla essence and don't rinse or wipe it off - just leave it.
2. Place a couple of tbsp baking soda on a saucer or in a small dish and when the microwave is not in use leave that saucer/dish in the microwave - baking soda is a great absorber of odours.I actually keep a dish of baking soda in our refrigerator at all times and it certainly does help with absorbing any smells in there too.

If you are really bothered about the stain, you might like to try what we were told at microwave lessons about 25 years ago.We were advised then that if we had a Pyrex type oven dish with stubborns stains on it, to try using ceramic cooktop cleaner to remove the stains - that advice has proved to be very effective so it may be a solution for the stain in your microwave.

Hope that helps.:-))

claudds, Jul 26, 10:50am
atgivingitaclean. ifidontwinthebattleiwillinvestina