Blame it on Sky's Cupcake Wars.

cookiebarrel, Aug 7, 1:52pm
they have a lot of challanges where the contestants have a choice of ingredients to choose from and have to use a selection of these to make their hopefully, winning cupcake.It intrigues me and I am doing some experimenting of my own with cookies/biscuits and cupcakes.But occasionally as now I can't seem to find or think of something to go with what I am baking.So I have made Garam Masala cookies and would like to sandwich them together with a soft filling, but can't think what flavour to use.Any suggestions would be most appreciated.The cookies are really yummy.

sclaredy_cat, Aug 8, 12:48am
Cream cheese (or buttercream) flavoured with powdered ginger and a bit of chopped crystallized ginger!

cookiebarrel, Aug 8, 12:01pm
Thanks sclaredy_cat, will try that.Mmmm love ginger.