So my mixed frozen berries are cranberries!

dapna, Jul 10, 10:10pm
What can I bake with cranberries! HELP!

phoenix10111, Jul 10, 10:19pm
Cranberry and white chocolate muffins - yum:)

elliehen, Jul 10, 10:26pm
CranberryCrumble :)

dapna, Jul 10, 11:29pm
Can I just replace blueberries for cranberries! Are they sweet enough!

phoenix10111, Jul 10, 11:54pm
Don't see why not. The dried ones are very sweet - but I know there's a lot of sugar in cranberry juice. I'd taste one first and see if you need to adjust sugar levels - depends if you are talking about dried cranberries or frozen ones

dapna, Jul 11, 1:36am
Frozen ones. Will have a taste test :)

rainrain1, Jul 11, 3:38am
put some frozen cranberries in your baked apple sponge pudding