what to do with Guavas

debsaid, Apr 10, 9:21pm
have been given a bag... never used them in cooking befor, any ideas from anyone? Are they ok for freezing? . Thanks.

matuq, Apr 10, 10:01pm
I usually line a bowl with honey, peel and halve the guavas and put in fridge to marinate. Very good for you, I would think. And they're really delicious done like this.

maxwell.inc, Apr 10, 10:31pm
Oh I have the answer to this. .

you walk the bag of them to the post shop and post them to Me!

Yum... enjoy.

lilyfield, Apr 10, 10:44pm
lovely jam or jelly

beaker59, Apr 11, 9:08am
Guava jelly mmmmmmmmm otherwise eat fresh.

st_allie, Jan 20, 5:10pm
guava makes a great wine.