Tortilla 'flour'

suzanna, Nov 5, 10:57pm
My South American DIL is really missing tortillas but hasn't been able to find any of the particular 'flour' used. Do any of you make authentic tortilla and if so where do you source the ingredients! Thanks for any info- trust me it will be gratefully received.

elliehen, Nov 5, 10:59pm

From the online shopping page:
Instant Corn Masa 1Kg Bag Maseca Flour $10.00
Instant Corn Masa Flour 2 kg $18.00

uli, Nov 5, 11:00pm
It is called "masa" and is available in some of the more expensive supermarkets. I have seen it in New World once.

suzanna, Nov 5, 11:03pm
Thank you-she will be very happy with your replies.