Coconut ice slice

lynja, Jun 15, 7:18pm
This site is fantastic! I was plodding through my cookbooks looking for a recipe for this and it took 30 seconds to get it from here!

charliebrown123, Jun 15, 9:33pm
Coconut ice shortcake. 125 grams butter, half cup sugar, 1 cup flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, half to threequarters cup coconut, 2 teaspoons cocoa. melt butter, add dry ingredients, press into sponge roll tin. 350 degrees for 20 minutes. while warm ice with 1 and a half tablespoons butter, one and a half tablespoons condensed milk, 3 tablespoons ordinary milk, one and a half cups icingsugar, one and a half cups coconut, small teaspoon vanilla. then place the whole thing in fridge to set. I double recipe.

debsaid, Oct 2, 10:01pm
Does anyone have a easy coconut slice recipe, I had one but have misplaced it. It had a cooked base and then the coconut ice on top. Thanks

debsaid, Oct 2, 10:39pm
Great thanks, thats very similar so will give it a go. :)

harrislucinda, Oct 2, 10:44pm