Chinese Roast Chicken ahhhh soooo!

lindylambchops1, May 26, 9:14am
Chinese Roast Chicken
• 1 chicken (1k - 1.5 kg)
• 3 tbsp rice wine
• 3 tbsp honey
• 2 tbsp soy sauce
• 1 tbsp dark soy sauce
• 1tsp sesame oil
• 1/2 tsp white pepper
• 1 tsp salt
Mix all the sauces in a bowl to make a marinade.
Brush chicken with marinade and pour and pour marinade into chicken cavity, then place chicken in a resealable plastic bag, and seal.
Place in refrigerator for up to two hours, turning occasionally.
Preheat oven to 190 degree
Place chicken on a rack in a roasting pan, breast side up, roast for 35 minutes, reserve the marinade.
Basting occasionally with the marinade.
When the chicken begins to brown, cover it loosely with tinfoil.
Turn the chicken and roast for another 30 minutes, basting occasionally.
Turn again and roast until it cooked about another 30 minutes
Thank you to GrownUps for this recipe

bappy, May 26, 8:51pm
Do you think this work for duck or pork too?Both those taste so yummy at chinese restaurants?

t.gypsy, May 26, 9:11pm
i dont see why it wouldnt

hoonguek, May 26, 9:51pm
BAPPY for roast pork - get the belly port where you can see layers of lean meat and fat. you need the fat for the roast. just score the skin and rub salt all over the meat. extra salt for the skin so that it side up roast on high till crackled. turn the meat the other way, and lower temperature down to 170 to cook through. cool, chop into bite size and dip in hoisin sauce. for a bit of flavouring, i like to mix in some cinnamon to the salt before rubbing into the meat

lindylambchops1, May 27, 12:07am
Wow that would be delicious done with duck or pork!Great idea!

wheelz, May 27, 9:22am