What's feijoa jam like???

kamitchell, Apr 15, 7:51am
I've never tried it before, but wouldn't mind making some for something different.Any good tried and true recipes out there??Thanks :)

lilyfield, Apr 15, 7:58am
yummy. I just make like any other jam- equal quantities fruit and sugar

pickles7, Apr 15, 8:07am
shockingly gritty...Had it as a child, and never wasted my sugar or time making it.

cgvl, Apr 15, 8:40am
really nice if you add ginger to it and use a little less sugar.
1.5kg fejoa's peeled and cut up.
bring to boil and then down to a fast simmer until fruit soft. If you want a smoothish jam mash the fruit.
add a packet of preserved ginger chopped
and 1.25kg sugar. and the juice of 1-2 lemons
bring back to boil and keep at a rolling boil until tested it will set. stir at regular intervals to stop it burning.
Bottle in clean, sterilised, hot jars and seal.

kuaka, Apr 15, 8:52am
If you like feijoas you will probably like it, but as pickles says, it's gritty - that's probably because feijoas are gritty which is why I don't like them. Oh yeah, I'm not keen on the flavour of them either.

justdelite, Apr 15, 9:04am
My 4 year old can't get enough of it a great way of using them up

thesmiths9, Apr 15, 9:17am
Feijoa and Guava Jelly is nice, strain through a muslin cloth and you don't get the griity texture.

daleaway, Apr 16, 1:49am
It's not very colourful, as feijoas have a habit of going khaki when cooked. However if you add enough chopped ginger, it browns up to a richer colour. I can sometimes find packets of non-sugary ginger for cooking, ie preserved in syrup, and that works well.
I think the taste is delicious, and when I do a devonshire tea for visitors the feijoa and ginger jam always disappears fast.