How come I can freeze milk in the 1litre size but

white_elephant, Jun 20, 12:26am
when I freeze milk in the 2 litre size I have to tip some out first to stop it leaking, getting out of shape or bursting open?

kaysu, Jun 20, 12:53am
Maybe keep 1 container & top up with milk you tip off. Won't matter if fresh goes into frozen as it won't have been used or left in fridge.

uli, Jun 20, 1:05am
Surely you would have learned at school about physics?
That liquids like water gets "bigger" and needs more room once frozen.

white_elephant, Jun 20, 1:12am
I am saying that its straight into the freezer with the 1 litre bottle, no problems, but you can't do this with the 2 litre bottle.

indy95, Jun 20, 1:17am
I have often frozen milk in 2 litre containers, white_elephant and have only once had a container split open. You can easily tip a little of the milk into something else and keep that for immediate use before freezing the rest.

maximus44, Jun 20, 1:58am
I freeze 2 litre bottles and have never had one split.

natalie9, Jun 20, 2:25am
Prob because there's less expansion in a 1 litre than a 2 litre

waswoods, Jun 20, 2:32am
I freeze the 3l plastic bottles with no problems. I fone does happen to split, I just defrost it in a bowl and pour off what I can into a jug

sniffer69, Jun 20, 2:32am
Can I just ask, why would you freeze milk?

duckmoon, Jun 20, 3:08am
I freeze two litre bottles - diary dale brand (from the service station) - have never had one split

white_elephant, Jun 20, 4:05am
Because I can only handle supermarket shopping once a week and I never know how much I'm going to need in a week.

uli, Jun 20, 5:21am
white_elephant - I am not sure in what sort of packages milk comes as I have my own - but if the 1 liter freezes well then why not freeze that. Maybe the 2 liters cannot handle the extra expansion - or maybe the 1 liter bottle is stronger. Who knows? Just go with the flow and buy what works for you! Even to the point of keeping several 1 litre bottles to re-fill for freezing. Good luck!

stormbaby, Jun 20, 5:28am
Many moons ago, milk was delivered, so no one bought it at the supermarket. I know a lot of country people who only shop once a week or fortnight who buy it and freeze it. Can you still buy those one litre soft packs/bags? They were great as you could freeze them and pop them in a plastic jug to thaw, or use them as slicker pads if you went camping till they thawed out, then used as milk.

chooky, Jun 20, 6:06am
I have been freezing 2 litre plastic bottles of milk for the last 15 years and would have only had 5 split in all those years. I put them from the chilly bin straight into the freezer not a problem.

liamjosh, Jun 20, 8:39am
I find that if I stand them up they don't split an if I lie them down they do, don't know if its just a coincidence.

white_elephant, Jun 21, 3:09am
Thanks liamjosh, I'll try that.

cookessentials, Jun 21, 3:11am
Perhaps they use a different sort of plastic for the two litre bottles.

arkle16, Jun 21, 9:57am
I freezer 2 litre milk all the time and it is fine. The reason I do it is because I don't want to be always going to the supermarket for milk as I shop only once a fortnight.

calista, Aug 26, 11:07am
Genius -I never thought of that. You can still buy them at my local Supa Value - I think they come from Southland.