Pounds conversion

nzlingerie, May 15, 10:32am
Found an old recipe for fruit loaf. It says. 1 lb sultanas, 1/2 lb butter (that one is easy) and 1 1/2 lb flour. Can anyone recommend an online conversion?

coromandelbliss, May 15, 10:37am

cgvl, May 15, 11:45am
1lb is approx 450g, so 1½ lb would be 680g.
A precise measure is 454g =1lb

Just be careful which conversion method you use as US measures are often different to ours. Try to use a UK or Aus measuring system if you can.

nzlingerie, May 16, 3:21am
thanks heaps :)

pogram0, Jul 30, 9:09am
Just Google 'pounds to kilograms' and plenty of conversion sites will come up.