Baking with Stevia

chasing, Sep 24, 11:46pm
I am trying to reduce our sugar intake and have bought Stevia (a sugar substitute) to do some baking. Is there anyone out there with some nice recipes? I have tried google and a lot of the recipes are US which have a lot of ingredients I don't have.

valentino, Sep 25, 12:03am
In Supermarkets is "Natvia" and have the link to recipes using Stevia.

Their website. And link to the recipe section, worth perusing it.

I haven't done any baking with it yet but recently been given a Diabetic "CareSens" tester.

About 3 weeks ago cut out sugar in coffee (morning only time I have coffee) and the count came down by one third by using this Natvia satchets, very interesting result.

Editing to note that both recipe and recipe book tabs above near their website banner needs to be looked at, quite a huge number and very interesting to look further.

Cheers and all the best.

chasing, Sep 25, 12:58am
Thank you. I will check it out at great lengths later today. Both husband and me have far to much sugar. I bake all the time and have decided to cut out sugar where possible.

valentino, Sep 25, 1:27am
I've just gone through one of their recipe books " Ultimate Icings", gee 64 pages long and a few other books to read online plus their recipes, Hmmmm interesting so far, even if one went 50/50, it should still be interesting on how things can be created or altered to suit.

Any reducement of sugar in most recipes has to be good, as noted, even 50/50.

Please keep us informed if any of these that you will or have tried, be nice to know thoughts on what you did and anyone else that ventures within.


pinnochio1, Sep 25, 1:45am
Before you use stevia check out the down side on google, it should not be given to young children or those taking heart/blood pressure medication.
By all means reduce your sugar intake, but be cautious of sugar replacements, they can be a bigger devil than what they are replacing.

valentino, Sep 25, 3:07am
Stevia is a natural Sweetener where most others are Artificial Sweeteners.

If you do know of what sources suggest that Stevia is as you have noted then nice to know those links.

Also recently, Either Fresh Up of Just Juice introduced a fruit drink with Stevia, no sugar added, that Guava drink and also Orange drink and had the stamp of approval and is widely available via most supermarkets though it has been a while now since I purchased one.


valentino, Sep 25, 3:33am

is one of the latest reports side effects.

Most things these days seems to have some devils or evils about them, it's just how things are today but Stevia was used for centuries by certain natives where it is or was used mostly and if it can be more refined now-a-days to suit us then it must have better benefits.


uli, Sep 25, 4:36am
Stevia was used as a sweetener in South America for thousands of years. Sweetners were used when there was sweets for a celebration.

There is not a celebration 5 times a day when you use stevia instead of sugar. And you will get problems if you use it in that way.

In addition your tongue checks for sweet, sour etc and gives feedback to rest of your system.

So if your tongue detects "sweet" it is clear to the body that either sugar or fruit or other carbs are coming and even at that early stage the insulin response starts up (notice if you chew a piece of bread long enough you will taste it going very sweet in your mouth already).

It is a very rare body indeed that can distinguish between stevia coming and sugar coming. So you still have the insulin reaction with all its aftermath - blood sugar all of a sudden too low, extreme hunger attack, cravings for sweets and bread (as the body knows which carbs will work fast to up the now too low blood sugar levels).

So I would recommend a small amount of sugar over the daily use of stevia any day. Remember "a small amount" = a few teaspoonfuls.

buzzy110, Sep 25, 5:08am
Excellent advice. Often the powdered sugr substitutes have a nutritive filler but for some reason that seems to escape notice. The nutritive filler is as bad as sugar.

My recommendation is to cut down on the baking. This way you cut down on the sugar. When baking is necessary (special occasions that are usually marked with "baking") then use real sugar and a normal recipe.

awoftam, Sep 25, 6:19am
. or use dextrose which isn't as sweet (it's still a sugar) and doesn't have fructose (table sugar is dextrose and fructose). Just be aware that dextrose can make baking dry so you may need more liquid.

nauru, Sep 25, 6:48am
Just cut the sugar in any baking by ½ or even ¾, it rarely makes a difference to the finished product. I have used stevia in baking, a bit trial and error really but found it worked OK.

pinnochio1, Sep 25, 7:07am
Stevia comes from a plant and so does sugar, nothing artificial in that, but still doesn't mean it's good for you.
If you google stevia there is a wealth of information you will find even seemingly conflicting info.

chasing, Sep 25, 7:36am
Thanks everyone for your input. I think I need to do a bit more research.

valentino, Sep 25, 8:54am
I do know that Stevia comes from a plant. It is the plant itself!

Yep, google or Bing and look for what you want.

My thoughts are open thoughts and never suggested that "don't take it" or any other such words but always merely to answer the Poster 1 original call - Post and not into offering opinions telling people not to do it etc. but giving what was requested which now-a-days is very rare.

They are looking for recipes but as usual there are always those whom change the words around thinking that the meaning wanted "Is it good for me or Not", it has happened in so many threads where such comments is wrecking this MB which is about "RECIPES" !

If it is about Opinions then should be posted in a separate thread giving personal opinions.

There were a couple of great advice given like cut down on sugar rather than stop altogether. But your comment is written by yourself to suit yourself likewise my thoughts but at least I do not tell someone not to take it because it is bad and then state " just Google it."

It needs more evidence to think otherwise so where's your links that it is no good. ! Come on and back it up now that you started something.

Gee wiz, this Recipe MB is really getting bad these days. Personally can understand why others have stopped, maybe I will do it too.

Cheers everyone, yep, I'm outta of here but not TM itself.


valentino, Sep 25, 8:59am
I did a little research myself and did weigh it all up, Stevia is far better than virtually all else and as someone noted do it partial like so much sugar and so much stevia. I even thought of baking a cake etc using Stevia then use icing as normal which is another way of looking at things.

As Noted earlier, I test myself, I have used Stevia and I can tell you now that there is no current side effects and that I actually feel more fitter.

Others are always stating the bad things but never give a more positive response that assists you with an ALTERNATIVE !

Cheers and all the best.

valentino, Sep 25, 9:02am
Nauru, your comments should be celebrated as you posted a positive to "chasing".

Great Stuff.

pinnochio1, Sep 25, 8:18pm
valentino I find your attitude strange to say the least. To have a balanced discussion on a subject both the up side and down sides need to be considered, that is exactly what has happened here. I can not have stevia, as I do not know the circumstances of the OP I was simply adding information that the OP needs to consider, which I am sure they will, and then they will be in a better position to make the right decision for themselves. I consider that positive and helpful you apparently do not.

pickles7, Sep 25, 9:22pm
You don't have to look far to find support for your post buzzy. I so much agree with what you are saying, baking less, is best.

nahmi, Sep 26, 3:50pm
valentino wrote:
I even thought of baking a cake etc using Stevia then use icing as normal which is another way of looking at things.

If you are wanting less sugar OP then icing is the first thing you can change- there are lots of really nice low carb icing recipes with cream cheese bases