
rainrain1, May 30, 8:20pm
We have had some salami made, do I freeze it straight away, do I hang it for a while, what is the best way to keep it.

pickles7, May 30, 10:17pm
Ask to person who made it for you. There are so many ways of curing salami, some will require refrigeration others won't. I personally don't like salami that has been stored in a fridge, it is often sour.

antoniab, May 30, 10:18pm
When we get it done from the butchers after hubby has shot a deer we freeze them as we get about 15 done at once.

pickles7, May 30, 10:44pm
nice. I guess that many would take a long time to get through. If you go look on youtube you will see some that are hung in a cellar for years, temperature controlled cellars, for cheese as well. yummmm

antoniab, May 30, 11:14pm
Yeah we tried that but they grew a bad type of mould on them, not the nice white kind. I think being in the Waikato it's a bit too damp for us to hang them without some sort of gear to circulate the air and control the temp?

rainrain1, Jun 27, 8:50am
Thanks antoniab, that's all I need to know. we tried hanging some once, and it went hard and dry. so into the freezer it goes. They shoot deer here too, but we haven't had any made into large quantities of salami before