What to serve with Pork belly?

supercook, Feb 14, 12:37am
Having pork belly for dinner what to serve with it

davidt4, Feb 14, 12:39am
How are you going to cook it!Asian-style!Plain roasted!Braised!

mwood, Feb 14, 12:46am
steamed rice and stir fried Asian greens

supercook, Feb 14, 12:59am
Annnabel Langbein recipe cook top till crispy then cook in milk in slow oven.

twindizzy, Feb 14, 1:16am
Wasabi mash and a fresh salad

davidt4, Feb 14, 4:00am
That's an Italian way of cooking pork, so I would serve it with simple cooked vegetables such as green beans, blanched and dressed with lemon and olive oil; spinach, blanched and drained well, dresse with olive oil and parmesan; carrots gently cooked in olive oil with rosemary, garlic and anchovy.Pan-fried potatoes would be good as the starchy part of the meal.