Sauce please to put over tonight's

skata, Apr 26, 3:00am
cauli and brocolli, sick of cheese. Thanks.

hezwez, Apr 26, 3:09am
Just push some of the mustard sauce in the vegie direction

barloo, Apr 26, 3:31am
leek or onion. Boil in water then save the water and use in the white sauce. You could even have parsley in your white sauce toos.

rainrain1, Apr 26, 4:12am
Make a plain good old parsley sauce, and mashed your potatoes. very nice thankyou :-)

melissarosenz, Apr 26, 4:15am
Lemon, cream cheese and cream. Melt cream cheese and stir in some cream. Add garlic if you want. Add lemon juice according to taste. Season with salt and pepper.

motorbo, Apr 26, 4:34am
i used to make (and should again) a tomatoe based suace to go over, up to you what ya put in it, but can be as simple as some onions/peppers fresh toms and cook and reduce to what you like with salt/pepper and a bit of sugar to balance, herbs etc

mumstu, Apr 26, 4:51am
Gravy, just good old meaty gravy... mmm you are making me hungry

tiogapass, Apr 26, 5:03am
lemon jiuce and butter with salt and pepper.

deus701, Mar 5, 5:18pm
Hollandaise sauce! Then you can place it under a grill or oven jus to brown the sauce a little.