Monterey jack cheese

misskittydragon, Oct 22, 8:12pm
I have seen a few recipes online for Monterey jack cheese in beer bread. I was wondering if anyone knew of an alternative for this cheese please. I was sort of looking at an Paprika Havarti as I can not find this cheese.

My local supermarket has not even heard of it.

tiogapass1, Oct 22, 8:23pm
Monterey Jack is an American cheese - it comes in several flavours including pepper and chilli.If the recipe needed these it would have said Pepper Jack or Chilli Jack.I think you could successfully substitute a dry crumbly tasty cheddar or a 50:50 mix of cheddar and fetta.

davidt4, Oct 22, 8:29pm
Most Monterey Jack is young and very mild.It melts readily.I would think that a young Gouda or a mild cheddar would be the best substitutes.

If the recipe requires aged Monterey Jack then try a tasty cheddar.

misskittydragon, Oct 22, 8:48pm
Thank you so much for your answers. I will add both Gouda and Feta onto my grocery list.