Strawberry pie/flan

mercartin, Oct 3, 6:54pm
I tried this years ago and it was delicious. I was told the recipe came from Radio Pacific talkback where it was very popular with callers. It seemed to be just cooked strawberries in pastry. Does anyone know this particular recipe!

carlosjackal, Oct 3, 7:59pm
No I haven't heard of that one but I have discovered that Rhubarb and Strawberry are a superb combination, so tried this STRAWBERRY and RHUBARB Pie last summer and it was absolute heaven-on-earth!

mercartin, Oct 3, 8:11pm
Yum! Thanks carlosjackal. If i haveno luck with my hunt I will make this one. I am looking for a pie to make for Christmas. I like that this one cools too. Did you do the fancy weaving! I never have tried.

carlosjackal, Oct 3, 10:52pm
Yes, I did - the real lattice top and I followed the instructions for it from the vid clip for the's all there!