Shrimp cocktail sauce

viv130, Oct 6, 7:11pm
Looking for a nice variation for Shrimp cocktail if any one has one. Ta

sooseque, Oct 6, 9:34pm
Shrimp Cocktail Dressing
¼ cup mayonnaise
1 TBLSP sweet chilli sauce
1 tsp tomato sauce
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp gherkin relish (Aristocrat)
Sliced spring onions (optional)
Mix all the sauce ingredients and spoon over shrimps

sarahb5, Oct 6, 9:45pm
I make the mine the same way but without the relish or spring onions and use half mayo/half unsweetened natural yoghurt.I also add a splash or two of worcestershire or pepper sauce.

pickles7, Oct 6, 9:55pm
#seafood sauce

1 cup of mayonnaise
1 tablespoon of tomato sauce
3 drops of Tabasco sauce
1/2 a cup of whipped cream, lightly folded in.

#Tartare sauce

1 cup of mayonnaise
1 tablespoon capers chopped;
1 tablespoon of gherkins chopped,
1 tablespoon of parsley chopped.

katalin2, Oct 6, 11:17pm
One of the simplest and most tasty shrimp cocktail sauces was made by my Australian sister in law: whipped cream, crushed fresh garlic and tomato sauce mixed together- yum!

guest, Apr 2, 10:17am
You've granted sveeral thousand people's wish, just most of us weren't as cocky (so to speak) to request it. I can't find that secret ingredient most of our places are filled with herrings, tunas etc hundreds of brands, but not one with anchovy. Any alternative?

guest, Jan 11, 6:22am
Haelhlujal! I needed this-you're my savior.

guest, Jan 13, 1:19pm
We eat pmikpuns all the time Australia, but our pmikpuns are a little different to the sort you get. We can't make jackolatterns out of ours. Not that we really do Halloween here.We eat pumpkin in roasts, and roast it with our potatoes. You can boil it and mash it. You can make bread, scones, soup with it. that's right pumpkin pasta or gnocchi. We use it a lot, can you tell?