Urgent cake issue with what to put between layers!

courtney2004, Dec 10, 11:30pm
I have made a Lemon cake was wanting to make it a two layer cake with a filling between the layers however what to put between the layers! I tried making Mock Cream however I now reliase its the same receipe that I use to make butter cream icing to put on top of the cake HELP!

elliehen, Dec 10, 11:36pm
Lemon Curd/Lemon Honey!

lilyfield, Dec 10, 11:38pm
raspberry jam and cream

elliehen, Dec 10, 11:39pm
You could add passionfruit syrup to the buttercream for the middle layer.

cgvl, Dec 11, 1:29am
add lemon honey to the mock cream for the middle layer if you have.