Bacon past use by date

mrgts4, Dec 3, 4:23am
We have a still sealed packet of bacon in the fridge. The use by date is 21/11/2011. Would it still be alright to use tomorrow morning for breakfast or is it not worth the risk!

rainrain1, Dec 3, 4:28am
it will be ok I'm sure,used by date is only a guide line

We have bacon in the fridge all the time and never once have i ever checked the used by date, and we are still aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive wheeeeeee !

kassie48, Dec 3, 5:29am
Go by the smell. Should be ok.

agave1, Dec 3, 6:02am
Is it a 'use by date' or a 'best before' date!

otterhound, Dec 3, 6:32am
As kassie said - go by smell.We used to get bins of bacon just past best before date, to feed to our hounds.So long as the packaging still looked good I just chucked it in our freezer for our own use.Sometimes got 1.5 kilo packs of streaky bacon, so I'd open it, smell it, and if all good break it down into small portions and freeze.