Cheese Scones same as the Mainland Cheese Ad on TV

lottah, Sep 6, 1:04am
I am wanting a recipe for scones that will look the same as the ones off the ad. Can anyone help! Thanks

spot20, Sep 6, 1:28am
The recipe is on their website! Let us know how they go!

lottah, Sep 8, 10:13pm
Thanks spot 20. I have looked up their website but the scones don't apper to be the same as the ones on their ad. Maybe it is just the way you have to cook them aye.

katienz11, Sep 8, 10:39pm
OT, but there is a cafe here in Palmy called Capers that has the yummiest cheese scones.Wish I could get their recipe!

spot20, Sep 9, 12:50am
Yeah lottah I thought that but I think it is just the way you cook them! Give it a blast and report back.I might even give them a go over the weekend!

beebs, Sep 9, 12:58am
i assume thats the ad with the golden melted cheese on them.just to their recipe and before they go in the oven pile some more grated cheese on them , bake as per recipe