Recipes needed.

tweenie3, Aug 23, 2:22am
hey guys
well l am about to undertake a major change in my life, and am about to start pre op for my WLS.
Now the list of foods l am allow ~ non-starch vegetables, and100-150gm protein a day. I am needing some meal ideas.

Ok the list of vegetables l am allowed is.
Asparagus, bok choy, Capsicum, Lettuce, Spinach, Spring Onion, Artichoke, Brussel Sprouts, Cauliflower, Mushroom, Silver beet, Tomato, Bean Sprouts, Cabbage, Garlic, Onion, Leek, Watercress, Beetroot (Raw), celery, Ginger, Radish, Zucchini, Brocolli, Cucumber, Eggplant, Rhubarb and String Beans.

And the protein ~ Animal Protein, Beans and Eggs (2)

I would love to see what sort of meals l can come up with so my 4 weeks are filled with yumminess

lythande1, Aug 23, 5:28am
Asian cooking I'd say

southerngurl, Aug 23, 6:32am
in that list I see stirfrys, i see salads, i see roast veges, i see quiches or scrambled egs w/ veges.
OMG the list is endless