4 in one basic recipe

hers.nz, Mar 21, 2:23am
I had a recipe which you made a basic mix and then split it into 4 and added different ingredients to make 4 different things or changed ingredients to make another 4 eg 8 ideas in all but only 4 at a time. I only have page 2 now - someone has lost/taken page 1 (kid 1, 2 or 3 probably). Does anyone have this recipe as I cannot remember where I got it from. The variations give you:
1. Crispie Biscuitsor Orange Choc Crisps
2. Peanut Brownies or Coffee Walnut Drops
3. Lemon Date Slice or Caramel Vanilla Slice
4. Spiced Jam Square or Fruit Slice
Used to make this lots when the kids were little as it filled the tins really easily.

barloo, Mar 21, 2:38am
banana cake can also be fejoa (sp) cake.

Play round with the recipes you have:)

barloo, Mar 21, 2:49am
any tin muffins

bowl 1
75g melted butter
1/2 cup milk
1 egg
vanilla ess
1 tinned fruit (juice included)

Bowl 2
2 cups flour
1/2 cup sugar
4 teaspoons BP

add bowl 1 to 2 and mix till just mixed.

bake 15 mins at 180

sugar and cin mixed can be sprinkled on top before baking:)

barloo, Mar 21, 2:52am
Slice bases can be changed around for a different flavour.
crushed biscuits you can change the flavour for say gingernuts or crispies etc.

Wish I know the basic recipe your after, sounds like a handy one to have!

rainrain1, Mar 21, 5:57am
This makes 4 trays... don't make them too big

Condensed Milk Biscuits
500g butter
1 tin cond milk
3tsp baking powder
2 cups sugar
4 cups flour
Cream butter and sugar, add cond milk and beat again. Add sifted dry ingedients then split mixture into amounts to suit. To each mixture add choc chips, sultanas, coconut, or your own choice. Roll into balls and flatten on tray. Makes 120 bisuits

crystalmatrix, Mar 21, 6:27am
Sounds good, what temp and for how long please?

margyr, Mar 21, 6:44am
i googled and came up with this site; Make Six Easy Cookies From One Basic Dough – Pillsbury Recipe Sheet.

rainrain1, Nov 20, 12:54pm
Now you've got me! ! ! Approx 175-180degC for 15-20min. See how you go on your first tray and alter your oven to suit