Breadmaker question

dinky17, May 29, 7:00am
has anybody ever thrown in the fruit and nut at the begiinning of the baking process,? why wait untill the bell sounds halfway through the process,just a thought,can anybody come up with a good reason.?

lilyfield, May 29, 7:06am
reason being that the sultanas end up in tiny weeny piecesbecause of the long kneading process. they are being squashed.

kinna54, May 29, 9:20am
It pulverises the fruit, turns it to a sticky glop, which can sink and sit like tar thru the loaf

dinky17, May 29, 8:42pm
thanks for these answers

dinky17, May 30, 7:00am
has anybody ever thrown in the fruit and nut at the begiinning of the baking process,! why wait untill the bell sounds halfway through the process,just a thought,can anybody come up with a good reason.!