How do you no when jam is cooked?

elliehen, Mar 31, 10:14pm
Put a spoonful or two on to a cold plate (from the fridge), set aside briefly and give it a gentle push with your finger.If it wrinkles and stays more or less in place, it's ready to set.

shaun1978, Mar 31, 10:20pm
once in jars do you just leave on the bench to cool? Sorry i'm completly new to this

harrislucinda, Mar 31, 10:26pm
yes ,andwhatlidsare youusing ? asahintifrecylcingbroughtjamsjarsandmetallidsfullto thetopscrewlidson andturnupsidedown

shaun1978, Mar 31, 10:28pm
excellent, thanks for your help :)

elliehen, Mar 31, 10:30pm
Put jam covers on straightaway.They are cellophane seals sold in packets in the baking aisle of the supermarket (red & green envelope).

Dip each circle briefly in cold water and place dry side onto hot filled jar with rubber band (all in the packet).As the jar cools, the cellophane circle will suck inwards slightly and make a tight seal to prevent the growth of mould.

You can also use recycled pop-top lids and old jars.

lythande1, Apr 1, 12:11am
how do you KNOW when jam is cooked?
A bit put on a saucer and cooled won't run when you tip it.
Put your jars anywhere you like once filled, just remember if they are hot and you put them on a cold surface they may break if glass.

elliehen, Apr 1, 1:57am
lythande1, did you KNOW that the latest additions of words to the OED includes these?Just released March 2011!
QUOTE: New words
New initialisms in the OED


For the March 2011 release of OED Online, we have selected for publication a number of noteworthy initialisms—abbreviations consisting of the initial letters of a name or expression. Some of these—such as OMG[OMG int. (and n.) and adj.]: ‘Oh my God’ (or sometimes ‘gosh’, ‘goodness’, etc.) and LOL[LOL int. and n./2]: ‘laughing out loud’—are strongly associated with the language of electronic communications (email, texting, social networks, blogs, and so on). They join other entries of this sort: IMHO (‘in my humble opinion’) [IMHO at I n./1], TMI (‘too much information’)[TMI at T n.], and BFF (‘best friends forever’) [BFF at B n.], among others.UNQUOTE

It won't be long before we don't no everything we think we no ;)

shaun1978, Apr 1, 2:41am
I always do that when in a hurry, sorry! ;)

shaun1978, Apr 1, 2:42am
Jam is completed and is really yummy. Thanks for your help, can't believe how easy it is.

elliehen, Apr 1, 3:00am
Don't apologise and please don't be sorry :)Many of us who do lots of texting slip into text speak when we're at the computer.

Communication is more important than formal or informal English, and your question was perfectly clear!

elliehen, Apr 1, 3:17am
Well done!Now make some pikelets...